It Is What It Is

Knitting, Bulldogs, Friends, Family, Cats and Life

Friday, March 03, 2006

Who Collects the Semen???

Two Funny Stories from my Friday at home...

Recently, my rarely used dryer stopped blowing hot air. I flipped through the phone book and the fourth company I called actually answered the phone. They even had good news for me - they could be accommodating and come look at the dryer later in the afternoon. Upfront they made me aware that the charge just for coming to the house was $50 and once the dryer was diagnosed then they would make me aware of the cost for labor and parts.

A really cute repair guy showed up and looked at my dryer. About 3 seconds later he claimed victory that he solved the problem. Between giggles he inquired about the pets in the house and said he has found a hiding place for one of the cats - behind the dryer. On accident, my cat Berlin has switched off the gas vaulve behind the dryer.

Two minutes and $50 later the repair guy was off to his next client.

The second funny story leads us to the Vet's office with our consultation on breeding our english bulldogs. English Bulldogs are a tricky breed and require artificial insemination and c-section deliveries. The vet tells us that we have the go ahead with our dogs for breeding and explains to us the process which leads to his question,


Donavon gave a response only he would give:

The dog follows me around enough as it is, imagine how much worse it would get. Doc, no thanks, I'll leave that up to you.

The vet then proceeds to explain the cost of all the procedures and how it would be cost saving if we collect the semen when the time comes. Again, Donavon laughs and tells the doctor, no thanks, really - NO THANKS.

In fairness to Gilmour, he's in better hands with the vet...


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