It Is What It Is

Knitting, Bulldogs, Friends, Family, Cats and Life

Monday, March 06, 2006

Weekend Activities

Productive weekend - I accomplished the following (but in no particular logical order):

1. Saw the Lion King with my good friend Kim. I would love to see it again - it was just fantastic.

2. Rejoined the Y for the 3rd time in the last 5 years (this time I have made a promise to myself to create a workout regime). I'm holding myself accounting via this blog.

3. Figured out Donavon's bday present - it's original and not only will he love but he'll be surprised. I'm horrible at keeping secrets but I'm going to try. It's so perfect I can't wait until he sees it. For xmas, I got him cowboy boots - he was so surprised - it was just the perfect gift. The bar is set high...

4. Started my first fair isle project that counts (the first time I tried fair isle was a failed mitten and turning it into an ipod cozy doesn't truly count). is what I'm making. I'm loving the pattern and the project. I plan on making another.

5. Had a lot of cuddle time with Gilmour. Poor guy just seems heartbroken on Sundays when my suitcase comes out of hiding. We shared a pillow last night for a long while.

6. Surfed the web on options to "pimp" out the new minivan. I'm contemplating flames; maybe magnetic flames so my mom won't hound me for eternity. I'm still struggling with the minivan purchase, although I'm well aware of it's practicalness. Everyone keeps reminding me.

7. Taught Zoey pouncing on kitties doesn't equal getting a lot of doggie treats...

8. Zoey taught me that even if she is the last one to get doggie treats she can still manage to eat hers, steal Levi's and then steal Gilmours.

And now I'm back in snowy Milwaukee after a 2 hour flight delay. The week is already off to an interesting start.


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