My request to join ravelry was accepted/extended last week.
I've become a ravelry junkie - I began posting my projects from what I can recall offhand since I'm not home but I plan on spending time this weekend logging my WIP's and stash. I love the photo galleries of finished projects and seeing what yarn people used for their projects. It's also good to know that many people experienced the same issue with their Tempting II as I did (I have to redo the whole neck someday soon).
For a long time now I haven't had the urge to start a new knitting project as my focus has really been on finishing items in my stash. I realized this week that it wasn't as much about finishing items as it was about finding a pattern that tripped my trigger. I've been eyeballing the Central Park Hoodie for a while and even though it takes over 3000 yards of yarn I think my interest has been triggered. Now it's a matter of finding yarn for it. I just so happen to be going to Minneapolis next week for work...
To our new team project (hopefully I won't be a party of one)??
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