Everyone meet Jeff.

Jeff is our trainer. My dad, Alex and I spend multiple hours a week with him. It's torturous and awful at times but we are learning to love every minute of working out. He has helped me strengthen my back and lose weight. It's amazing - I'm even jogging on a treadmill now which is something a few months ago I couldn't contemplate. I used to live on Advil and Alieve to help my back which now I don't even take.
He has worked with Alex and I on changing our diets and taking vitamins. We owe Jeff huge.
We've gotten to know Jeff rather well over the last six weeks and he's become our friend as well as our trainer.
Friend or not, when I have to do step aerobics holding a ten pound weight straight over my head the whole time I still threaten to throw the weight at him. Also, after 100+ crunches (sets of 25 crunches with minimal time in between) I still threaten to kick him (I have to keep my legs in the air when doing crunches).
We love Jeff because he's genuine and naive. We discuss our personal lives and he always seeks our advice. He's very personable and he claims we're his favorite clients.
He also says no one whines or complains as much as I do.
It also just dawned on Alex and I the other night that Jeff has an uncanny resemblemance in personality to Butters from South Park.
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