It Is What It Is

Knitting, Bulldogs, Friends, Family, Cats and Life

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Don't count the cat out of the fight

Berlin had a rough day at home coming back from the Emergency Clinic. He barely moved and if he did he took long rests. He didn't eat and would just stare at his water dish.

Alex and I had a long talk last night that if Berlin wasn't better by tonight then he needs to go back to the vet tomorrow. We're concerned he is starving to death - we don't want him to suffer. We talked through what felt like the only option - putting him to sleep. We left things at "let's see if he makes it through the night" and go from there.

So that leads to this morning - we woke up early to give him his medicine and we couldn't find him. We looked in all his usual hiding spots and finally found him in the kitchen cupboard. He let out a big cry, got up, walked to the litter box and used it. Big accomplishment given that the little guy pooped all over my kitchen yesterday and I was warned that once he gave up using a litter box then it was a slippery slope downhill.

It's hard to tell if he's been eating and drinking but the little guy looks like he has some fight left in him.

Yesterday, I had accepted that the inevitable was clear with Berlin but today I feel like I shouldn't count him out of the fight. He did manage to bite me hard enough to draw blood when I gave him his pills.


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