It Is What It Is

Knitting, Bulldogs, Friends, Family, Cats and Life

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Philosophical Knitters

In the middle of our Friday night knitting circle multitude of topics were discussed but one has stuck in my head over the weekend. Someone mentioned knowing someone who had recently been tattoed with the following:


It wasn't a mistake, rather it's a statement. Sometimes things in life just don't add up. Nothing in life is predictable or guaranteed other than death and taxes.

We all live interesting lives. We all lives good lives. Sometimes things happen that are out of our control and just don't make sense.

I apply 3+3=7 to my life for the many strange events that have occurred over the past year. From personal to professional craziness sometimes things just didn't make sense. I am ready for 2006 to come to a close and look forward to what 2007 brings.

It was nice to be home for just about 48 hours - I'm headed back to San Diego tonight. It was a weekend filled with "catching up". I was able to catch up with my friends, catch up on my work, personal email and on my knitting. I find myself continually saying I wish there were more hours in the day. I don't sleep much as it is but I have so much I want to do in life and feel that time is just flying by.

Over Thanksgiving I plan on doing a knitting project inventory - how many I have started, how close they are to finishing and how many projects I have planned. Trying to find my tennis shoes this afternoon, I rifled through two rooms filled with yarn, projects, books and patterns. I'm guessing I have over 50 projects started and probably an equal amount if not more planned.

On top of that, I bought yarn yesterday for a sweater for me and one for my niece Erika. She called me yesterday morning to tell me I had to come visit and go shopping for yarn. She wanted to make a sweater because the one I made her was too big. The cutest voicemail message I have ever listened to...


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