It Is What It Is

Knitting, Bulldogs, Friends, Family, Cats and Life

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

December Adventures and Disappointments

Hard to imagine that it's already December 5th - this year has just flown by. I keep saying that I'm looking forward to 2007 and what it brings but I am very thankful for the people, memories and events of 2006.

The next few weeks bring many cross country adventures. Besides working in beautiful San Diego, I have other adventures planned. I will be travelling to NYC next weekend for a holiday party followed up by a weekend with the Portland side of the family. I'm hopeful to have Erika's sweater done by the time I arrive. I figure between trips from SD to Iowa, Iowa to SD, SD to NYC, NYC to SD and then SD to Portland should be more than plenty of time to finish the sweater. I need to figure out pretty quickly between buttons or a zipper for the top down cardigan. I'm leaning towards a zipper since it was on my "to do" knitting list for 2006 but due to time on the road, buttons may win out.

I'm so excited about NYC next weekend. We are hopeful to catch a Broadway show and maybe a carriage ride in Central Park. The holiday party is at a fantastic restaurant - the toughest part will be figuring out what to wear.

Onto the disappointments (this section is more of rant):

1. I'm disappointed that I'm again sick - I woke up with the start of a cold yesterday morning that has blossomed fully into bronchitis overnight. I'm disappointed how quickly I got sick.

2. I'm disappointed in how often I have been sick over the past few months. I'm pointing fingers at turning 30 - I'm usually so healthy - it's annoying to be sick.

3. I'm disappointed that there aren't more hours in the day. I continually find myself saying I wish I had more time. Life is going by fast and I have so much left to do.

4. I'm disappointed that I have to take a 2 week break in piano lessons while in NYC and Portland. I'm really looking forward to becoming proficient.

5. I'm disappointed that stress terrets takes over more often than it should. I'm far enough in my career and old enough to know better.

6. I'm disappointed in myself for all the people I tell "I'll call you right back" and then I don't get around to it. Shockingly, I blow through my 3000 minute cell phone plan every month. For anyone socially who is around me on a Friday knows my phone rings non stop. It's not that I'm a social butterfly (way too girly of a description for me), it's just that work is currently all consuming.

7. I'm disappointed that I am not a bigger risk taker. This is one of my biggest resolutions for 2007.

8. I'm disappointed that I can't mask dislike for someone. If I don't like you, I have been told it's rather obvious.

Through all the disappointments, I can say that I'm proud of my integrity. At my core, I have morality, discipline and honesty.

It's been a rough few weeks - I really look forward to my December travels but I look forward the most to a week at home over xmas, preferably entirely on vacation.

Cheers to stream of consciousness blogging.


Blogger Cheryl said...

Perhaps the answer to #2 is in #5 and #6? Airplanes are big flying petri dishes.

4:52 AM  

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