It Is What It Is

Knitting, Bulldogs, Friends, Family, Cats and Life

Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Holidays!

I returned home about an hour ago from visiting my family in Portland. It was a great weekend.

We started the weekend off by celebrating the end of Hanukkah:

2 days, multiple flights, a 3 hour drive and one speeding ticket later my parents finally arrived. It was almost comically to hear their story and we all struggled to keep a straight face as they shared their frustrations with us.

Since I travel for a living I’m used to cancelled flights, delayed flights, sitting on runways, screaming kids on flights, overbooked flights, overbooked hotels, rental car places running out of cars to rent; you name it, I’ve been there and done that more times than I can recall.

Every morning during my visit, my cute niece Erika would ask me if her sweater was done yet. I was able to finish it yesterday:

It was a great weekend that made the bad week just a memory…


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