It Is What It Is

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

And the saga continues...

Without disclosing too many details - this has been a rough couple of days and the power has shifted from me taking beating after beating to being extremely respected. To me, it's not about who is right/wrong or who wins/loses, it's about working together to meet a common goal. Diffusing what I now consider a large distraction from my actual job at hand became a priority yesterday.

I'm so naive at times that I forget people have hidden agendas, politics has it's role and fear just brings out the absolute worst in people.

Amazing that we live in a society dominated by a fear of actionable resolutions (my fancy term for lawsuit).

My company impressed me in ways I will always remember. I was pulled out of a meeting for a few minutes to meet with the most senior member of management in my company (who came onsite to meet with me face to face) who made it clear my well being above anything else was all that mattered.

A lot of true colors shown and the jackass I have been dealing with thought it best to leave site yesterday to visit his lawyer to cover his ass "just in case" versus actually just diffusing the issue with me face to face.

While he stormed offsite to see his lawyer - I covered all of his meetings and his tasks were shoved on my already overloaded plate. I came through showing my true colors: nothing I couldn't handle and proved yet another extremely productive day.

I had an amazing hour long discussion with the sponsor of my project onsite who made it clear that not only does he think I rock (my term not his) but that the bullshit will stop. He asked me why I let this jackass treat myself and my team so horribly for so long - my only response was - I was trying to act like a cohesive team, to be professional like the consultant I aspire to be.

I learned a term yesterday that is so funny it deems repeating: "project implosion" - I was told everyone would support me if I wanted to leave the project (odd that I would be the one needed to leave given the situation but ok) - that my well being comes first. My answer was my goal is to have a successful project and do what is best for this company (I'm a team player). I have worked 80-100 hours every week to ensure that this project is successful.

Their answer - "that's great to hear because we'd have project implosion if you weren't here".

I have a picture in my head of a building imploding.

This week was a close second to when I had a chair thrown at me a few years ago. Good to know that I can now make light of the situation.

Jackass and I will make our peace but he's skating on such thin ice that he won't have another chance for error. He did offer to leave the project if I wouldn't forgive him and have a working relationship.

Of course that was post his visit with his lawyer. I'll take the high road, as always.


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