It Is What It Is

Knitting, Bulldogs, Friends, Family, Cats and Life

Monday, July 16, 2007

A great weekend, a funny story and some drama.

Alex and I had a great weekend together. We started the weekend off by grocery shopping together (which was actually a lot of fun), followed up by a bbq at my house and a fantastic 4 hour discussion on our future.

Saturday we picked up my car from the BMW dealership and it was a comical event.

The car is mine – I paid for it, it’s registered under my name and I pay for the insurance. It’s my car.

The dealer handed Alex the invoice of repairs. My name was on the invoice and Alex handed the invoice to me.

I then handed the service manager MY credit card. He then handed Alex back the credit card slip to sign. Alex handed me the credit card slip to sign (as he told the service manager the car AND the credit card was mine).

The service manager then handed Alex the keys to MY car. At this point we just cracked up laughing. I told Alex to just take my car and I took his for the afternoon.

Onto the drama…psycho ex-boyfriend reappeared Saturday – drunk and really pissed off. Alex proved to me how cool under pressure he really is and I was absolutely impressed. I was called every name in the book as was Alex and we were able to ignore everything. We proved we are a team together and can face tough situations. Although it put a damper on a night and exhausted both of us, we didn’t let it get to us.

Sunday was lazy and great. We were both pretty exhausted from the prior evening so we watched Battlestar Galatica most of Sunday and lounged around.

I hate Monday mornings more now then ever before. We have next weekend already planned – day by day. He’s so sweet, so cuddly, so everything I every looked for in an ideal partner. We have had long discussions on our future and how we would handle different aspects of our lives.

We even came up with a perfect name for a boy – Zefram. For anyone who knows us well, they will know why and find it entertaining.


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