Another great weekend.
The weekends just keep getting better. This weekend was not only fun but very productive and somewhat tiring.
We woke up Friday morning to the mailbox laying in the street – mailbox, post and everything in between. The great storm Thursday night destroyed what was already a dying mailbox.
I managed to make it to Home Depot in the afternoon to buy a new mailbox, post and the installation kit as well as a screwdriver. Together we put in the new mailbox – it was a joint effort and every time I said “Can I try?” Alex would let me.
After the mailbox was successfully in place we divided and conquered our large list of to do’s as we were planning a large football party at the house Saturday night. Alex started on outside to do’s and I started on the inside to do’s and we met up an hour later. I cleaned the laundry room / half bath, kitchen and family room while he installed new driveway lights and fixed some other outside lights. Darkness brought us to a halt for the night.
The next morning we got up early and much against my whining ways went to Hy-Vee to pick up food / drink for the party and came home to return to our house to do list. I can’t complain too much because I was bribed with a Starbucks. Alex ripped out the old driveway lights, finished putting in the new driveway lights, swept the driveway, hosed off the back porch, replaced the track lighting, moved furniture, etc. I helped to the best of my ability and together we accomplished so much.
It was then time for me to go to my piano lessons. While I was gone he continued on house stuff and in the little time I was gone so much more was accomplished.
We then went to sprint to merge our cell phone plans into one. Big kudos to Sprint for their awesome customer service – I’m won over as a new customer.
We came home and I crashed on the couch for half an hour – I was so exhausted but had a huge sense of accomplishment.
The party Saturday night was a hit – we invited the knitters and football fans over for a bbq and to watch the Iowa game. Alex bbq’d for 10 people and the food turned out amazing. We topped it off with koogle a la mode in which you had to be there to understand the concept. A good time was had by all – lots of laughs and a shut out of a game by Iowa.
Alex declared Sunday as “Amy” day – since we had accomplished so much house stuff Friday and Saturday; Sunday was to be whatever I wanted – he started by cooking me a wonderful breakfast. Since we didn’t get out of bed until almost noon and I had a 5pm flight to catch “Amy” day was brief but awesome. We watched Star Wars Episode 6, had a great breakfast and cuddled on the couch.
Alex is slowly moving in, one box a day. That way neither one of us is overwhelmed by the concept and room can be made for his stuff as it is brought over.
He’s very gung ho about having a house and is actively working on improving it. He’s amazing.
We are working symbiotically. I was amazed how well we threw a party – it was fun for both of us. To this day we have not argued, neither of us is moody and we continue to strive for solid communication. I enjoy our time together and I know I have found the person I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.
He even figured out how to get Berlin to stop crying all night long. The cat just needed a nightlight.
Cute picture of Alex who was trying to avoid his picture being taken -

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