It Is What It Is

Knitting, Bulldogs, Friends, Family, Cats and Life

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A lot can happen in 3.5 hours…

Alex and I spoke for over 3.5 hours last night and seemingly figured out life, our life. Time flies on the phone with Alex and it’s so hard to say goodnight most nights.

It’s been over two months now and I pointed out that in this time we’ve had no arguments, no disagreements, nothing. We just have fun together and laugh all the time. We have such similar morals and beliefs that we approach situations in rather the same mind set.

I’ve made some very big professional decisions lately that will affect my life and our life. I’m hopeful to share some good news shortly. Alex has been extremely supportive and has listened to hours of my rambling and offered up some great advice.

We started talking about living together and the responsibilities of owning a house since Alex currently lives in an apartment. He told me he’s ready for his “honey do” list which currently exists as a contractor list. There’s nothing extremely urgent left on my house to do list but I appreciated his willingness to accept the responsibility that comes with owning a house.

I had new kitchen floors and laundry floors put in my house a few weeks ago which took out the cat smell in the house. I have cleaned out the house, goodwill has 8 garbage bags full of clothes and my house is ready for guests. The only two rooms outstanding are the yarn room and the soon to be library. At least all of my yarn is in the same room which is a rather large accomplishment in itself.

Travelling is so hard these days – take out the concept of the crappy and unappreciative clients, the long hours, the endless flights and I just want to be home. Home for my sanity and home to be with Alex. He’s not the catalyst for my desire to change careers but the extra time with him is such a large added bonus. I’ve never experienced so much burnout, worked so many hours and wanted to change careers as much as I want to right now.

Everyone around me is supportive – my friends, my family and Alex. I’m fortunate to have such a great supporting cast.

On a random note – the platypus has been named – his name is Buster. Alex loves Buster.


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