It Is What It Is

Knitting, Bulldogs, Friends, Family, Cats and Life

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Turning 30

In less than 48 hours I will be 30. I'm not dreading, fearing nor excited about it.

IT IS WHAT IS. I'm turning 30.

I will now be a "thirtysomething" punk instead of a "twentysomething" punk. My hair will still be short and spikey, I will still have my tattooes and piercings and I will continue to persue the flames for my minivan.

What will change is my humbleness towards situations where I will learn lessons I once refused to believe or just plain ignored, my perspective in approaching these situations and my appreciation of what life and the people I surround myself with will teach me.

I look back over the past decade and realize so much has changed. I look forward to being in my 30's and the adventures the future will bring. I figured if I can make it to 30, I can make it to 130 (a theory I up with each birthday).


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