So much yarn so little time
It was a wonderful weekend with great friends and some memorable times. We did our damage at six yarn shops in two days and we never lost our motivation.
It was my first big group yarn crawl and I came home with yarn on order for 2 sweaters and some alpaca for a branching out scarf. Kim, Margie and I are together attempting a Lopi sweater for our first group knit along. It's the same pattern but with our different color combinations the sweaters will look unique. I think I have already decided to change my color combination to add some orange into the mix.
My best purchase was a floor model for sale of a Noro Kureyon Cabled Sweater that I bought for Donavon. The sweater was cheaper than the cost of the yarn and the best part was that Donavon didn't have to wait two years for me to finish it. Here's a picture of Donavon in the sweater that I took with my cell phone:

I have some new favorite shops and look forward to another yarn crawl with the knitwhits.
As promised, the picture of Elbert's finished Snowbird hat:

Lisa modeling the snowbird hat:

The thousand tails of color still have to be sewn in and the large tassle needs to be created. The tassle will have to be large enough and weigh enough to bend the top of the hat over - otherwise Elbert is going to look like one of Snow White's dwarves. Knitwhits Kim and Margie confiscated the hat from me this weekend to help sew in the tails. They are such good friends as sewing in tails is really the worst part of a knitting project to me.
Back to reality and back to work tomorrow. It's been a great weekend and lots of good memories have been made.
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