Once again, I have a broken back. Unfortunately I had the pleasure of spending 10 hours on an airplane yesterday. On my way to Denver the weather changed drastically and after 2 hours of circling Denver we landed in Colorado Springs to refuel and wait for the fog to clear. I finally made it to San Diego and my back had decided it was going to make my week painful and torturous. As rare as I complain, I have spent most of today lying on the floor of my team members different cubes as I touch base with them.
In knitting news...
Lisa, my most favorite client of all time and my knitting grasshopper sent me pictures of her wonderful wallaby and her first pair of socks.
Notice the socks are identical and perfect - I was so amazed in how perfect they came out.
Even my other most favorite client, Chuck, has taken to knitting - I love the impact of seeing a first time knitter taking to the obsession.
Pictures below.
Wonderful Wallaby:

Perfect Pair of Socks(PPS):

Dang! I won't be there Friday. Can someone take minutes?
Hope your back is better soon. I'd offer you some of T's bad back meds, but it would be a little hard to get them to you.
OMG, Amy, will you be OK? This is Eileen, Barb's work friend and I've got you on my bloglines.
As someone who has had her share of back pain (any share is too much in my book), I can tell you that you shouldn't rush it. Be sure to take care of yourself. Get some decent pain pills and continue with the NSAID even after you think you don't need them. My MD had me on them for 6 weeks and it's the only way the pain ever went away for good.
Take care.
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