It Is What It Is

Knitting, Bulldogs, Friends, Family, Cats and Life

Monday, January 15, 2007

A week on the couch...

For the second time in six months, my back has given out and is forcing me to stay home for the week. Although I appreciate the quiet time, I am going a bit stir crazy just staying on the couch.

Kudos to the parents for housing me this weekend and waiting on me hand and foot. Sometimes it's nice to revert back to being a kid and having parents who bend over backwards to help you feel better. I had home cooked meals three times a day, snacks in between, watched good movies, got good advice and just relaxed. Parents are great.

My dad even shovelled out my car this morning and warmed it up so I could go to the doctor.

Knitting is a bit of a minimum at the moment but I do have some things to report: I FINALLY finished my dad's black big wool sweater. It was three years in the making and finished yesterday. I have no explanation for why a bulky sweater made on size 15's took 3 years to complete. It only fit him ok - not great. His only feedback was "Wow, this is a really warm sweater." I hope he wears it - in today's weather it would be perfect.

I started (and almost finished) a felted hedgehog yesterday. I can only knit for short amounts of time as it hurts my back to sit. I had a minor resolution to learn w&t and this was the perfect project to practice the technique. I have lots of tails to sew in and then his furry back to do - then felting and stuffing. Fun and quick project - I will probably make at least one more.

Back to my couch for the time being.


Blogger Cheryl said...

Parents are cool that way. I still use the thermometer my mom mailed me years ago when I was poor and single and had a cold.

Word on the streets is that you do not have a rolling suitcase or laptop case. Do we have to take you shopping this week?

4:22 PM  

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