It Is What It Is

Knitting, Bulldogs, Friends, Family, Cats and Life

Saturday, February 03, 2007

I'm in the Socks that Rock Club!

Official member as of this morning!! I'm only recently finding the love for socks - so this is very exciting for me.

Short post because I'm swamped catching up with work - BUT

Animal Torture Technology 1
Dead Mouse 0

Where my my cats failed, the glue trap won. So I'm an inhumane awful individual but I was guided to use a glue trap over pellots because 1) I have animals in the house and 2) I could end up with a dead mouse in my walls or vents

So my red room is now deemed the mouse room. I nearly panicked when I saw the dead mouse. For some odd reason I was ok with him cohabiting with me because I do love animals. I could tell myself that he would just leave my domain on his own, that might smarten up, pack up his belongings and leave on his own accord. It's so much worse knowing that he is dead and that it was my actions that caused it.

Anyone that I interacted with yesterday was told "Dead Mouse in My House!!" - not exactly what a normal person would emphasize about their house but until I can find the courage to pick up the glue trap via gloves, shovel, garbage bag and a huge deep breath - I'm avoiding the room and practically my house.

Sometimes I hate being a home owner.


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