It Is What It Is

Knitting, Bulldogs, Friends, Family, Cats and Life

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Do bad things come in 3's, 4's or 5's??????

To the Karma G-ds - send some good karma my way - I'm past due. I'm ready to make some lemonade out of many lemons thrown at me lately.

To name just a few of the wonderful highlights from my cursed weekend (it was cursed, I was cursing, etc): I spent hours at Verizon this weekend and am currently carrying my third Treo (cool cell phone/pda/leash), my first of ten flights this week was delayed today causing me to miss my second of ten flights this week and I received really scary and bad news from not one, not two, but three people this weekend.

One more really crappy item which shall not be named is laying heavily on my thoughts.

Three days until the Bahamas and the trip can't come soon enough.

My silver lining to the weekend is this evening - I'm going out with Elvis. We were both to arrive around 3PM today and spend a fun filled afternoon together. Due to delayed flights and unchangeable tickets - it just didn't happen. Hopefully tonight we can catch a movie or go out for some dinner.

Another huge highlight of the weekend - I walked into a spotless, beautiful house. My friends Kim and Audrey are my house saviors. It's not that I'm a huge slob (but I am a slob), I just don't have the time or energy at the moment to deal with the mess I call my house. I owe them huge and am in their gratitude for their help. My kitties are getting more love and attention then they are accustomed to and my house is just beautiful.


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